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All products have a CE certificate of quality and two years warranty service!

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You have the right to cancel the purchase within 14 business days, without giving any reason and without indemnity or damages!

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Every business day to any point in Bulgaria.

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Welcome to the online shop MASOMI!

In our shop You can find a variety of heating equipment to create unique coziness and comfort in Your home, office, hotel, restaurant or villa! We are a team of young and ambitious people who love their work. We are motivated to maintain a high level of service and we are ready to respond competently to all your questions. By buying goods from us, You can be sure that You have made the right decision!


Interior ideas

More details

Wall mounted electric fireplace Masomi - Adeli 28"

Dimensions (W*D*H): 660*135*420 Type of instalation: Built-in wall mounting

559.00 BGN

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Wall mounted electric fireplace Masomi - Adeli 45"

Dimensions (W*D*H): 1143*140*544 Type of instalation: Built-in wall mounting

979.00 BGN

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Wall mounted electric fireplace Masomi - Alabama 36"

Dimensions (W*D*H): 930*200*485 Type of instalation: Built-in wall mounting

999.00 BGN

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Electric fireplace Masomi - Nexus 28"

Dimensions (W*D*H): 741*215*506 Type of instalation: Built-in

629.00 BGN

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Electric fireplace Masomi - Mont Blanc 28"

Dimensions (W*D*H): 614*204*487 Type of instalation: Built-in

689.00 BGN

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Electric fireplace Masomi - Anri 23 & Loran 23"

Mantel (W*D*H): 1086x250x1010 Fireplace (W*D*H): 581х181х470

799.00 BGN

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Electric fireplace Masomi - Richmond 29 & Miranda 29"

Mantel (W*D*H): 1345x325x1049 Fireplace (W*D*H): 700х224х598

979.00 BGN

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3D Electric fireplace Masomi - Steam-100

Dimensions (W*D*H): 1000*240*200 Type of instalation: Вграждане

1599.00 BGN

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Our news


New design

Dear customers,

We are pleased to present the updated design of our online store!

The site has become even more comfortable, intuitive, and also fully responsive, can be adapted to any device, be it a regular computer, a laptop, a tablet or a smartphone!

We've made the major changes so we can get to the new version of our site.

There are a few more things that need to be finalized to complete.

The site already has a number of new features available. Now some product parameters, such as color, will be visible in the block of goods on the category page. This way, while browsing the products, you will be able to see the important options without going into the features of the product.

If you need more time and you can not make a decision but you liked several products, you can add the products to the Favorites list - another of the new features on our site. You will quickly and easily see what you liked and then order it with only 3 clicks.

Besides the changed appearance of our site, we have added a whole new section "News", which we want to keep you informed about upcoming promotions, new products, trade fairs and more.

We are sure that the changes will be appreciated by you!


We have a new logo

Since September 1, 2019, we have changed the company logo.

For the sake of heredity and better brand recognition, we have kept the same colors, namely red and black.

The idea of ​​changing the ART FLAME logo was dictated by the growth of our business.

In addition to Electric Fireplaces and Mantels, we also offer Bio fireplaces, Solid Fuel Fireplaces, Pellet Fireplaces, Gas Fireplaces.

The start of own furniture production in Bulgaria is coming soon.

PS: The employee who proposed the new logo was rewarded with cookies for life. laugh


Execution of orders during the state of emergency in Bulgaria

Dear customers,

In connection with the extraordinary measures taken to limit the spread and control of COVID-19, Art Flame's showrooms will be closed until 13.04.2020 or until further notice.
During this period we will continue to fulfill orders and make deliveries, without changing the terms.
All our commitments to our clients so far will be fulfilled within the specified time limits.
We will continue to accept and process orders through our site, our Facebook page or by phone.

The Art Flame team is at your disposal for any questions, consultations and orders received every working day from 9:00 to 17:00. on the following phones:
0894 506 485 - Sofia
0897 055 657 - Varna
0890 139 455 - Burgas

Let us be accountable to one another for our actions and help stop the coronavirus.
Beware, stay healthy and meet you again!

The ART FLAME team


Electric fireplaces - Safety tips

Колко безопасни са електрическите камини? Те са много безопасни, ако следвате нашите съвети за безопасност..

Ще разгледаме цялостно проблемите на купувачите, както и някои често задавани въпроси относно електрическите камини. Ние не само искаме да ви е уютно край огъня, а и да сте в безопасност.

Модерните електрически камини, освен, че са много по-ефективни от камините на дърва или на газ, са и по-безопасни. Няма открит истински пламък. Също така нямат нужда от комин или вентилация.

Един от най-често задаваните въпроси е „Стъклото се нагрява ли се?“ Отговорът е не, не се нагрява. Ефектите на пламъка са просто изображение - проекция на пламъци. Докосването до екрана е като докосване до вашия телевизор, когато е включен.

Всъщност, единствената част от камината, която може да се затопли или нагрее, е зоната в близост до нагревателния елемент или изпускането на топъл въздух. Издухването на горещия въздух е като да държите ръката си близо до сешоар. Като цяло частите, до които можете да се докоснете, няма да ви изгорят по начина, по който може да се изгорите на печка или камина.

Можете ли да използвате удължители? Не. На практика, всички ръководства на собствениците, не препоръчват използването на удължители (така правим и ние).

За нагревател с мощност до 2000 вата минималната препоръка е минимален кабел 1,5 mm².

Електрически камини - Съвети за безопасност

Този списък със съвети за безопасност при употреба на електрически камини е съставен от различни експлоатациони ръководства. Прочетете и разберете внимателно всички инструкции, преди да използвате електрическа камина.

  1. Нагревателният елемент се нагорещява при работа. Не докосвате горещата повърхност. По време на работата на нагревателя, предпазните елементи пред нагревателя също може да се нагреят.
  2. За да избегнете риск от пожар, дръжте всички материали, направени от горими вещества, като мебели, дрехи, спално бельо, възглавници и завеси на безопасно разстояние най-малко 1 м. от всички страни на електрическия уред.
  3. Не блокирайте подаването на свеж въздух или вентилационните отвори за горещ въздух. Въздухът трябва да се движи свободно.
  4. Въпреки че обикновено са безопасни за деца и домашни любимци, бъдете внимателни, когато електрическият уред се управлява от или е в близост до деца или хора с физически увреждания, когато устройството е включено и е оставено без надзор.
  5. Уверете се, че електрическият нагревател винаги е изключен от контакта, когато не се използва.
  6. Не използвайте електрическата камина ако е с повреден щепсел или кабел, ако забележите, че устройството е в неизправност или уредът е изпуснат или повреден по някакъв начин. Уредът  Веднага трябва да се свържете с оторизирания сервиз за ремонт или извършване на електрически или механични настройки.
  7. Електрическите камини са предназначени само и единствено за вътрешна употреба. Никога не използвайте уреда на открито и не го излагайте на атмосферни влияния.
  8. Електрическите нагреватели не трябва да се използват в бани, перални помещения и други влажни помещения. Водата и електричеството не се смесват. Никога не монтирайте уреда на места, където може случайно да попадне във  вода.
  9. Кабелът на уреда никога не трябва да се прокарва под мебелите, килимите или други уреди. Шнурът трябва да се подава на места, безопасни от зоните с голям трафик в дома, за да се избегне някой да се спъне в кабела.
  10. Преди да изключите уреда от контакта го изключете от контролния панел и след това извадете щепсела от контакта.
  11. Не поставяйте и не допускайте възможността чужди предмети да влязат в уреда през отворите за изпускане или охлаждане, тъй като това може да причини токов удар, пожар или повреда на уреда.
  12. Не блокирайте отворите за всмукване на възду, за да избегнете евентуален пожар.
  13. Не правете никакви модификации на устройството и го използвайте само по начина, описан в ръководството му. Използването му по какъвто и да е начин, който не се препоръчва от производителя, може да причини токов удар, пожар, нараняване или смърт. Не изгаряйте никакви материали вътре в нагревателя.
  14. Използвайте услугите само на сертифицирани електротехници. Уверете се, че контактите, които използвате, са заземени правилно, поляризирани и снабдени с предпазители.
  15. Никога не използвайте удължител; включете нагревателя директно в контакт.

Това може да изглежда като малко информация за безопасност, която трябва да се усвои. Ако се вгледате внимателно, съветите ни за безопасност са общи съвети, които се отнасят почти за всеки електрически уред. Единствената област, която трябва да се разгледа внимателно, е зоната около нагревателя. В тази статия за съвети за безопасност на електрическите камини, се надяваме да сме отговорили на въпроса „Безопасни ли са електрическите камини?“


Free Delivery for the whole country until the end of August

Dear Clients,

We have an ACTION until the end of August !!!

All orders of products from the category ELECTRIC FIREPLACES will be sent with the courier company Econt at OUR expense.

We at MASOMI will take over the courier service for your order. In this way MASOMI provides you with free delivery for the whole country, regardless of the value, volume and number of goods ordered by you! The goods ordered for purchase are delivered to the delivery address indicated by the Customer within the period specified in the information for delivery and payment of goods.

The goods are delivered properly packaged, according to its type and transport for delivery.



Dear customers,


Expansion is at the heart of our business model, and opening a new showroom is a great way to welcome the New 2021.

The address of our new showroom is zh.k. Slaveykov, bl. 85, ent. 3, ground floor.

Our goal is to be close to our customers, no matter where they live, and since we already have a store in Sofia, the time has come to open in Burgas.

We are confident that people living here will enjoy our products and will want to decorate and renovate their homes with them.

For the opening we have prepared special GIFTS for the first 15 of you who buy an electric fireplace from our showroom in Burgas.

The showroom of MASOMI by ART FLAME, Burgas will be open every week from Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 17:00.

In our showrooms, the measures against the spread of COVID 19 are strictly observed.


Advantages of choosing electric fireplaces

Advantages of choosing electric fireplaces

Electric fireplaces deservedly become one of the most popular methods of heating. They are increasingly used as an environmentally friendly alternative to wood fireplaces and are widely used in residential buildings, hotels and other large sites. Electric fireplaces are often installed in restaurants and homes in order to give a modern and at the same time cozy look to the interior.

These impressive modern devices successfully solve several tasks simultaneously:

  • Creating a sophisticated look of the room

The fireplace has long been considered a symbol of wealth, prosperity and home comfort. It is invariably associated with coziness and harmony.

  • Heating of the premises

Modern electric models allow heating even large rooms.

  • Creating a relaxed atmosphere

Fireplaces allow you to relax, to tune in to positive emotions. You can endlessly enjoy the view of the warm flames. The soft and warm light of the burning logs creates a good mood and a feeling of calm.

The electric fireplace can delight you and your loved ones for many years. It will surely impress your guests as well.

The main advantages of modern electric fireplaces are:Максимална безопасност

Unlike a real fireplace, an electric fireplace does not emit smoke. All external elements are heat resistant. Thanks to this, the electric fireplace can be installed even in a house where children or elderly people live.

Easy to use

To enjoy the view of realistic flames, you do not need to buy firewood or coal, but look for a place to store fuel. It is enough to connect the device to the power supply. The installation of the fireplace set is usually done by the supplier and is done as soon as possible.


Modern fireplaces are used not only to create comfort. They are both an efficient and environmentally friendly source of heat.

Easy installation

For the installation of electric fireplaces it is not necessary to rearrange the walls, to install a chimney, to renovate the room.


Electric fireplaces do not require special care and maintenance. All you have to do is clean the device of natural dirt.


Each electric fireplace can serve a long time to its owner. In this case, you can count on the device not to lose its properties in the coming years.

A variety of solutions

You can give a modern and luxurious look to your home and choose from a wide variety of design solutions. Electric fireplaces are extremely flexible, as they can be installed almost anywhere you want.


If you need advice on choosing an electric fireplace, do not hesitate to contact us: +359 894 506485, info@kamin.bg


Magic discount with PROMO CODE "2022"

Dear customers!

Our online store has a SEASONAL promotion!

All products from our store, which still do not have a promotional price, can easily and simply receive a 5% discount!

To take advantage of the promotion, you need to add the product of your choice to the cart, enter it and enter the number in the promo code field.





The promotion is valid for all categories of the store - electric fireplaces, bio fireplaces, fireplaces and stoves, fans and is valid only for buyers - individuals.

* If the promo code does not apply to any of the products - call and inform the store manager, we will be happy to help you!


How to combine the fireplace and the TV? Mistakes that we must not make!

If you are one of those people who are considering buying a fireplace for the living room or living room and want it under the TV, there is probably one main question you ask yourself - Will the heat from the fireplace not damage the TV? See what our experts and consultants advise.

Combining a fireplace and a TV in the same room is not an easy task, but it is completely feasible and will give your home even more comfort. As long as, of course, the right fireplace is installed in the right way. Here you should know that not every fireplace or room space is suitable for this beautiful combination.

If you have space for a fireplace in the living room, there are several options for a beautiful combination between TV and fireplace according to the location and size of objects in the room. It is best to consult a specialist so as not to "overload" the space of accumulated elements.

A large open fire fireplace requires a lot of space, much more than an electric or biological prototype would require. It is impossible to install it under the TV because the smoke and steam will interfere with the normal operation of the TV electronics.

The perfect choice for a living room with a TV is an electric fireplace, which is easily installed at the bottom of the wall, and its specific feature is that the air flow of warm air must be frontal so that the TV is not damaged over time.

Our consultants advise you to consider the following when choosing a fireplace that will be installed under the TV.

- It is possible to have a TV over the fireplace, if the model of the fireplace has a front air flow of warm air, which will not damage the equipment;

- Suitable fireplaces for installation under the TV are: electric, bio or decorative model, each of which can be purchased with the right cladding, according to the interior of the house;

- To make the interior look harmonious, it is worth taking a fireplace and a TV with approximately the same width (a larger diameter of the TV is allowed by the fireplace);

- The location of an electric fireplace with a TV on one wall is a great opportunity to save space and create a unique composition in a minimal area.

Modern styles know no bounds and you can find a large number of combinations in which the fireplace and TV are the best solution for a practical and welcoming home. All you need to do is put a little imagination or trust an experienced specialist for the interior and safety of your home.


See all our built-in fireplaces under the TV here:


How to combine the fireplace and the TV? Mistakes that we must not make!

If you are one of those people who are considering buying a fireplace for the living room or living room and want it under the TV, there is probably one main question you ask yourself - Will the heat from the fireplace not damage the TV? See what our experts and consultants advise.

Combining a fireplace and a TV in the same room is not an easy task, but it is completely feasible and will give your home even more comfort. As long as, of course, the right fireplace is installed in the right way. Here you should know that not every fireplace or room space is suitable for this beautiful combination.

If you have space for a fireplace in the living room, there are several options for a beautiful combination between TV and fireplace according to the location and size of objects in the room. It is best to consult a specialist so as not to "overload" the space of accumulated elements.

A large open fire fireplace requires a lot of space, much more than an electric or biological prototype would require. It is impossible to install it under the TV because the smoke and steam will interfere with the normal operation of the TV electronics.

The perfect choice for a living room with a TV is an electric fireplace, which is easily installed at the bottom of the wall, and its specific feature is that the air flow of warm air must be frontal so that the TV is not damaged over time.

Our consultants advise you to consider the following when choosing a fireplace that will be installed under the TV.

- It is possible to have a TV over the fireplace, if the model of the fireplace has a front air flow of warm air, which will not damage the equipment;

- Suitable fireplaces for installation under the TV are: electric, bio or decorative model, each of which can be purchased with the right cladding, according to the interior of the house;

- To make the interior look harmonious, it is worth taking a fireplace and a TV with approximately the same width (a larger diameter of the TV is allowed by the fireplace);

- The location of an electric fireplace with a TV on one wall is a great opportunity to save space and create a unique composition in a minimal area.

Modern styles know no bounds and you can find a large number of combinations in which the fireplace and TV are the best solution for a practical and welcoming home. All you need to do is put a little imagination or trust an experienced specialist for the interior and safety of your home.


See all our built-in fireplaces under the TV here:

Recent reviews

Electric fireplace - MASOMI - Miranda 31" & Lotus 29

Силвия Василева

3D Electric fireplace Masomi - Steam-100

https://dentavim.probiotics-supplements.us That is a really good tip especially to those fresh to the blogosphere. Simple but very accurate info… Thanks for sharing this one. A must read article!

Wall mounted electric fireplace Masomi - Aurora 50"

Перфектна е! Хем загрява, хем възпроизвежда музика!

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